North Bengal is a place of Tea, Timber and Tourism. But this land also has a heritage of different cultures and languages by different tribal communities. But these tribal communities are declining in their race and cultural activities by the influence of other key and large communities of the area. Indian Evangelical Mission is  spreading and working on a vision though Scripture Use and Scripture Engagement.   This vision officially addressed as North Bengal Alliance for Scripture Engagement (NBASE). Through this vision and deeds, we are trying to save the cultures and heritage in an indigenous way.

We are intended to encourage and motivate the believers to worship our living Lord with mother tongue and paths of traditional ways, which are not contradict to Bible. We have made a council from 10 languages and the council chosen 30 people from those 10 people groups.  The people groups are Sadri, Santali, Oraon, Munda, Rava, Rajbangsi, Toto, Bodo, Garo and Surjapuri. Our first stepping stone started with Semantic Domain in April 2013. After that in different months, we conducted the training on different topics in different months. The topics are Song writing workshop, Bible story creating methods and presentation of it, Participatory Methods for Engaging Communities etc. Our 16 candidates also build 2 teams in their native villages.  We called these 16 candidates as Internship Candidates or Interns. These interns taught their team members on different topics and use them to use it in churches. Our interns also translated few books on health awareness topics. They have also made big books from different subjects (Mainly from Bible). With big books they have started their village Library. Our Internship candidates also taught the process to making dictionaries in their languages. After making it now those dictionaries are uploaded in websites.

Our vision is to see God's transformation in North Bengal. We want to see every community of North Bengal worshiping God joyfully, reading the Bible in their own Mother Tongue, having access to tracts in many languages and enjoying reading in their hearts language. Believers singing to the Lord joyfully in their own Mother Tongues, partnering with different Churches of North Bengal, and developing many local believers as future leaders, and in turn the trained local Leaders leading the Local Churches with the same vision even in the future. 

17th May 2014, we had our Graduation Ceremony. We presented Graduation Certificate to 14 persons.

In future, we have hope and plan and prayer to make this Internship course to be accredited by any registered Christian University.  

We are also thinking to add few more subjects about social welfare and society development in our NBASE Internship Course.

It is our great privilege to inform you that NBASE is working in North Bengal in Scripture Use & Scripture Engagement activities to reveal the local  Culture and Philosophy of Christ for total mankind. Please visit the sites in different languages of North Bengal. 

Please click here to view Toto Webpage
Please click here to view Bodo Webpage
Please click here to view Garo Webpage
Please click here to view Sadri Webpage
Please click here to view Kurux Webpage
Please click here to view Santhali Webpage
Please click here to view Rajbanshi Webpage 
Please click here to view Surjapuri Webpage
Please click here to view Munda Webpage 
Please click here to view Rava Webpage


We urge you to involve with us by:

  1. Prayer
  2. Using our materials – Tracts, audio, other materials  (In Sadri, Santali, Garo, Bodo and other tribal languages of North Bengal).
  3. Introduce the talented members of your church to write prose and poetry and artistic materials to  tie-up a relationship with us.
  4. Financial contribution.
  5. Sending your people to get the teaching about Scripture Use and Scripture Engagement from our internship candidates.

Your encouragement is valuable to us

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